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Our climate commitments

Climate change, preservation of ecosystems and resource management are vital issues for Compagnie des Alpes' businesses. Over the years, and through experience, the Group has developed its own method for responding to these challenges:
1. Encourage the multiplication of local initiatives, often innovative,
2. 2. to deduce ambitious and impactful objectives,
3. Amplify the actions and accelerate the mobilisation of the entire Group around these objectives
4. Define and adopt precise roadmaps, step by step, year by year.

With regard to climate change in particular, since 1 June 2021 the Group has set itself the objective of achieving Net Zero Carbon (NZC) by 2030 and has published its trajectory.


TOWARDS « NET ZERO CARBONE » (scope 1 and 2)

The CDA has set this objective for emissions directly linked to its activity, known as scope 1 and 2, for all its sites, both ski areas and leisure parks. Companies such as Evolution 2 and MMV, which have recently joined the CDA, have defined and validated their Net Zero Carbon trajectory (scope 1 and 2) for 2023. The trajectory is based on a market-based methodology, taking into account renewable electricity purchase contracts, and not just national electricity mixes.

The graph below illustrates the Group's emissions reduction trajectory, complemented by its carbon sequestration projects.

Courbe NZC EN
Group GHG emissions (scopes 1 and 2) including the effect of carbon sinks - historical data and projections.

To achieve its objective, CDA has defined 4 key principles: 

The definition of a 10-year strategic action plan
CDA has defined a strategic action plan for the next 10 years, at the Group level but also specific to each of its sites. The actions to be taken will be measured in two dimensions:
- in euros, with the associated funding requirements and financial impacts
- in grams of CO2, to measure progress towards Net Zero Carbon
This strategic plan, which covers the Group's scopes 1 and 2, was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 October 2022.

An 80% reduction target for Scope 1 and 2 emissions
CDA intends to achieve 80%* Net Zero Carbon by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its sites, and 20% by contributing to projects to increase local carbon sinks in order to gradually sequester residual emissions as close as possible to its leisure sites.
An intermediate target of 50% reduction, compared to the baseline, is expected to be achieved by 2025.
* The expected reductions are in absolute terms, not just in terms of turnover and activity intensity.

Mobilisation of all the Group's employees
At CDA, we are convinced that everyone, whatever their job or responsibilities, has a role to play. In the exemplary nature of our day-to-day practices, in the way we approach our projects or imagine our businesses, it is our employees, in the field, who are best placed to translate this collective ambition into action, and are therefore key players in achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2030.

A requirement for transparency
The Group undertakes to periodically publish the progress curves towards its objective. Annual GHG emissions will be verified by the statutory auditors.