A low-carbon, Made in AuRA rubber recycling chain
In 2021, CDA and its supplier IDM developed a recycling chain for rubber components used in its activities, to develop the first low-carbon, circular-economy, "Made in AURA" anti-slip mats.
The Funiplagne departure station was the first in France to be equipped with mats bearing the new Ecovertis ® label, made from used ski lift tires by regional companies.
In 2023, the collection program, initially intended to cover ski-lift tires only, has been extended to include groomer belts, ski-lift tires and belts, and floor coverings.
Part of the recovered material continues to feed the process set up by IDM, and thanks to a partnership with another major player, the surplus will now go to the eco-organization ALIAPUR, which recycles over 50% of the material in the manufacture of new products.
The partnership initiated with IDM in 2021, and with the support of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, meets two major Group commitments:
- Achieving zero unrecycled waste and sustainable management of natural resources.
- Supporting regional dynamism and local initiatives to contribute to the long-term development and attractiveness of the region.
We are currently working with new partners who are competitors on part of their product range, but who have joined forces to organize a single collection of these materials from each of our sites, regardless of the original supplier.
Over the winter of 2021-2022, nearly 31 tonnes of tires were collected by IDM from the CDA, and 55 tonnes in 2022-2023. According to an LCA analysis conducted by IDM, the year's collection would have avoided the emission of 383 tonnes of CO2 over the life cycle of the tire. In addition, our sites have purchased over 3,000 slabs made from 75% recycled materials and manufactured in the AURA region. Compared with a standard slab purchased before the approach was put in place, this represents 58teq CO2 fewer emissions from our purchases.
In 2023, the specific collection program has been extended to include ski-lift tires, caterpillar belts, belts, etc., in order to provide the raw material for IDM's recycling program or to send them to the ALIAPUR eco-organization for material or energy recovery.

- 383 T issued last year vs. incineration.