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Deployment of the Fresque du Climat

Deployment of the Fresque du Climat among Group employees

Since spring 2023, the Group has been raising employee awareness of climate change issues by rolling out the Fresque du Climat workshop at all its sites. After a conclusive test phase with head office teams, the workshop is based on both the Fresque du Climat method and the dissemination of Group commitments and site initiatives in the fight against climate change. By 2023, almost 800 employees had been made aware of the issue, and around thirty of them had been trained to run the workshop, making up the pool of interns "fresqueurs ".



From awareness to action

The project was prompted by a strong desire to enable all Group employees to understand the challenges of climate change and to take ownership of the Group's climate commitments. Added to this was the aim of inspiring employees by sharing all the initiatives put in place by Compagnie des Alpes companies, and enabling everyone to put forward new ideas.

After a first part using the Fresque du Climat method, a deck of 45 cards divided into 5 sets tracing the cause-and-effect links between the different components of the climate, participants discover a new deck of cards: La Fresque du Climat CDA Touch'.

This second part explores the various initiatives in place and invites participants to share their ideas and new actions to be developed within the Group. It also asks participants about their day-to-day and individual actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their professional activities.

A pool of internal animators

An initial series of Fresques du Climat, accompanied by local animators, identified 2 to 3 volunteers per site to become in-house animators. They were then trained by a Fresque du Climat-accredited facilitator. Thanks to this training and an in-house animation kit, these employees are now autonomous in running these workshops. Since the beginning of the deployment, nearly 800 employees have been sensitized.



Employees trained